Monday 9 September 2013

Youth and the future of the Order

Although the Order of Preachers is so old (800 years), it is at the same time so young (one in six brothers is in formation).  SOURCE
The democratic structure of the Order as moulded by Dominic himself enables us to place the responsibilities of governance, more often than not, in the hands of younger people who have the energy and modern-day skills needed to carry the mission on into the coming age.

Their vision and contemporary apostolate build on the experience, accumulated scholarship and wisdom, experience and lifelong faithfulness of our older brothers and sisters in St Dominic.

And young religious, of course, attract other young people to the Order.

So, um, why am I thinking of this whiskery old HR joke?

Tsk. I am a horrible person. Shame on me! Grovelling apologies to our brilliant young brothers and sisters!

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