Monday 9 September 2013

New General Promoter of Dominican Laity

fr Rui Carlos Antunes e Almeida Lopes
Our brother fr Rui Carlos Antunes e Almeida Lopes is the new General Promoter of the Laity, appointed by the Master of the Order for six years.

Fr Rui is from the Province of Portugal. He was born at Harare, Zimbabwe, made his first profession in the Order in 1981 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1985. He has a PhD in the Science of Documentation and Archives. Before his appointment, fr Rui was Archivist and Promoter of Dominican Laity in Portugal. He has also been a military chaplain and well as chaplain of the Sovereign Order of Malta and of the Secular Institute of Caritas Christi.

We wish our brother fr Rui every blessing on his work with Lay Dominicans worldwide.

Fr Rui succeeds fr David Kammler, who is going home to his Province of Teutonia. We thank our brother fr David for all his work in support of the Laity of the Order.

fr David Kammler


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