Saturday 7 September 2013

We have family in Syria


"We have received a request from Sr. Ines Al-Jacoub, Prioress General of the Rosary Sisters of Jerusalem, for prayers for their Sisters in Syria and for all the people there.  
Three of their Sisters were in Ghassanieh, where the parish priest was killed in last June.  These Sisters have moved to Jordan.  Two Sisters remain in Syria at this time. 
Please make your contacts in the Dominican Family aware of this presence of our Dominican Family in Syria.  Please encourage prayer for them, for all the people in Syria and for a peaceful resolution to this crisis."

Thus write Carlos Rodrigues Linera OP and Toni Harris OP, of Dominican Justice and Peace, at the main Order of Preachers website. Please read the whole thing.

Mary, Queen of Peace, 
we commend our family in Syria to your loving care.

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