Thursday 5 September 2013

Pope Francis: Saturday is for Syria

Pope Francis has made a global petition for everyone, regardless of religion or location, to fast and pray during the whole day of Saturday 7 September for world peace but particularly for peace in Syria.

On the vigil of the feast of the Birth of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, Catholics worldwide are asked to offer their fasting and prayer for Syria.

Pope Francis will begin the prayer at 7:00 pm and the Veni Creator Spiritus will be sung.

Four Swiss Guards will carry a statue of Mary, Protectress of the Roman People, starting from the obelisk in the square, accompanied by two girls strewing flowers before her.

The Pontiff will then begin praying the Rosary, invoking, at each mystery, the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Peace.

There will then be a meditation by the Pope followed by a minute of silence and Eucharistic Adoration.

The vigil will include readings from Sacred Scripture and responsorial prayers for peace.

After Adoration there will be three minutes of silence followed by the Office of Readings.

At 10:15 pm there will be a period of extended, prayerful silence and the vigil will conclude later with Benediction.

Streaming TV coverage, live from Rome, is available online in the UK via EWTN UK.

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